Tag Archives: Debra Messing

Trump takes aim at — get ready — actress Debra Messing!

I don’t give a flying whatever what Debra Messing thinks of Donald J. Trump. The actress is entitled, I am sure, to express whatever opinion she has of any politician in the country.

I do give a rip, though, about the president wasting his supposedly valuable time sending out Twitter messages castigating the “Will & Grace” star over something she said on the social medium, and later apologized for it.

Trump is off to the races.

Messing had “liked” a tweet sent out by someone who called African-American supporters of Trump “mentally ill.” She apologized for it, but of course the damage was done.

Trump has blistered the actress. He has gotten all worked up over it.

Why doesn’t he get as worked up and angry over crimes against humanity committed by his good friend Kim Jong Un, the North Korean tyrant? Or what about the hideous interference in our electoral process by another strong man, Vladimir Putin of Russia?

But, no-o-o-o! He wants to use Twitter to attack Hollywood personalities, journalists and assorted critics.

Good grief, dude! Get a fuc**** grip!