Tag Archives: Baytown

Hats off to Texas teen

A big shout out has to go to a Baytown, Texas girl who showed a good bit of civic-minded spunk.

A Baytown police officer was parked recently in a fire zone at an apartment complex. Fourteen-year-old Annie James spotted the vehicle and wrote a $10 parking ticket and placed it on the windshield of the vehicle driven by Officer Tommy King.


The officer said he saw the sheet of paper, read the hand-written note and “started laughing immediately.”

Annie had ordered King to pay $10 — to the apartment manager.

A couple of lessons stand out here.

One is that Annie didn’t want the money for herself. Her selflessness showed in ordering the officer to pay someone else. Annie could have issued the order for her own benefit and used the money to, oh, play video games at a mall arcade. She chose instead to take a more noble path.

The second lesson is for police and other public employees to obey the law, no matter how “trivial” they might seem.

Officer King took the issuance of the “ticket” in stride and good cheer and rewarded Annie with a $40 gift card to Toys R Us.

To think some folks think badly of our younger folks.

Good job, Annie.