By JOHN KANELIS / [email protected]
Boeing and at least one U.S. air carrier are delighted with themselves.
They say they have fixed the mysterious problems associated with the 737 Max, the jetliner that crashed twice nearly two years ago, killing hundreds of passengers.
It was determined that the Max had a computer engineering problem that caused the plane to plummet to Earth. Boeing grounded the aircraft while engineers toiled to fix the problem.
The Max is flying again.
Well, you are welcome to consider me as one American who is delighted that he has no plans to fly commercially in the immediate or medium-range future. The COVID pandemic is enough of a reason to stay grounded.
The idea of climbing aboard a 737 Max — with its attendant troubles — just solidifies my desire to remain on the ground.
I wish American Airlines and Boeing well as they resume flying the troublesome airplane. I just am not going to book a flight on one of those birds anytime soon.