Term limits still a bad idea

One of my Facebook ā€œfriendsā€ recently posted a comment to a post I put out there calling for ā€œterm limitsā€ in Texas.

Her response was to Gov. Rick Perryā€™s pending announcement on whether heā€™ll seek another termĀ  in office. I should stipulate here that my Facebook ā€œfriendā€ is an ardent Democrat who lives in Donley County, Texas; Perry, of course, is an equally ardent Republican whoā€™s served as governor since December 2000.

Iā€™m guessing my Donley County palā€™s insistence on term limits is based more than just a little bit on partisan preference.

I need to say it once more: We already have term limits for Texas governor, or for any other statewide office for that matter. We call ā€˜em ā€œelections.ā€

Iā€™ve never voted for Perry for any statewide office heā€™s ever sought and held. Not for agriculture commissioner, lieutenant governor or governor.

But since I live in a state where quite often my ballot gets counteracted by others who think differently from me, I accept the reality that majority-rule matters. And Iā€™m totally on board with that.

The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established a two-term limit for president of the United States. The amendment was pushed through by a Republican-led Congress that had grown fearful of a potential ā€œimperial presidency,ā€ particularly one that featured a four-times-elected Democrat ā€“ Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR died only a few months after being elected in November 1944 to his fourth term and the amendment was ratified a couple of years after that.

Ronald Reagan once lamented publicly that he wished he could have run for a third term. So did Bill Clinton.

And even though Iā€™ve never lived in a time when the 22nd Amendment wasnā€™t the law, I agree with them. The notion of term limits goes against the potential will of the public.

Do I think Rick Perry should be ā€œgovernor for lifeā€? Of course not. If I had my way, heā€™d never would have become governor in the first place. Democrat John Sharp ā€“ who lost narrowly to Perry in 1998 ā€“ would have ascended to the governorā€™s office after George W. Bushā€™s election as president in 2000 ā€¦ if I had my way.

But we donā€™t need mandated term limits. If someone is doing a bad enough job in office, the voters will take care of him or her at the next election. Rick Perry has managed ā€“ and itā€™s a bit of a mystery to me ā€“ to keep enough Texans happy with the job heā€™s doing to enable him to keep doing it.