The right-wing media are going to have a serious field day with this potential error of omission.
Still, the question persists: Why weren’t the president and/or vice president of the United States among those attending the “unity rally” in Paris today?
The rally held in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre was meant to demonstrate western resolve in the fight against terrorist madness. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was there, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu … among many others who joined the throng of hundreds of thousands of French citizens.
The U.S. ambassador to France was there. OK. That’s good, too.
It might be that critics will have a point that if a rally was important to draw heads of state and government from around the world, it would have added amazingly poignant symbolism to have the leaders of the Free World at the front of the pack of dignitaries.
Secretary of State John Kerry happened to be in India attending an important meeting there with our Indian allies. I’ll give him a pass.
President Obama and Vice President Biden? They well might have been able to adjust their schedules to attend this rally to demonstrate against a murderous rampage that has shaken the world.