Race relations worsen during Obama era

Relations between white and black Americans have worsened — arguably — during the time Barack Obama has been president of the United States.

That’s the view expressed by many in an essay written by Anita Kumur for Tribune Media Services.


We’re more polarized. Blacks are more distrustful of white authority figures.

Obama’s election in 2008 has resulted in deeper fissures between the races. “We are more racially fractured and fragmented,” said James Peterson, director of Africana Studies at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. “It has exposed more wounds than it has healed,” he said of Obama’s election. “It has exposed how racist our society still is.”

So, who’s to blame for that? Is it the president? His family? His closest advisers?

Or is it many of the rest of us — some of whom just cannot stand the idea of this nation being led and governed by an African-American president?

Barack Obama’s election in 2008 was supposed to signal the transition into a post-racial society. It hasn’t happened. There have been some terribly personal and inappropriate things said to and about the president and his family since they moved into the White House. The president has received more threats against his life than any of his predecessors.

Indeed, the Tribune essay suggests a deepening divide. “The number of people who think blacks and whites do not get along has increased throughout Obama’s presidency, from 19 percent in late 2009 to 28 percent in 2014, according to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center and USA Today,” the essay notes.

This is an uncomfortable subject to address. The president’s harshest critics insist with great passion that their opposition to his policies has nothing to do with race. Many of the president’s supporters counter that the level of disdain and the volume of the criticism suggests something more visceral is at work here.

Personally, I’ve always been dubious of those who start their criticism of Obama by saying, “I am not a racist, but … ” I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard that qualifier since the man’s election in 2008.

I wish it were different. I wish we could get past race. I wish with all my energy that we really could just look at each other without regard to the color of their skin.

It hasn’t happened — yet.

The president, however, doesn’t deserve blame for this sad reality.

4 thoughts on “Race relations worsen during Obama era”

  1. It’s pretty simple, John. If the criticism of Obama has nothing to do with race, it probably has nothing to do with race. That they have to say it had nothing to do with race is probably because you’ve been race-baiting again and making assumptions about people’s motives. Maybe that’s why people tell you they don’t bother reading your column, they don’t like being called racists because of opinions that have nothing to do with the race of the president.

  2. I wonder where Mr. Ryan spends most of his time. I don’t write a blog and I don’t get the experience of people qualifying their intent concerning criticism of the President. I myself, functioning as a fly on the wall, cannot count the times I have heard people refer to the Commander-in-Chief as “that nigger in the White House.” Since I don’t write a blog, they automatically assume that, as a native born Texan, I would share the same level of ignorance that they possess and that there is no reason to conceal their true feelings. I am curious to know if Mr. Ryan’s friends consider themselves to have been “race-baited” when they make the statements I know they make when surrounded by other like minded individuals. Just curious.

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