This blog took form as a political venue for me to vent and for others to respond to my spewage. I haven’t let up much over the many years I’ve been writing it.
For the next few days, during the holiday season, I am going to dial back by venom on High Plains Blogger just a tad in honor of Christmas, Hannukah and whatever else we want to celebrate.
You know my feelings already about the just-concluded election. It didn’t turn out the way I had hoped. I am going to spare you the intense reaction I am feeling in my gut about the decisions the POTUS-elect is making. I will seek to be civil for the time being.
I also will concentrate more on other subjects of interest during this time of year. We had a municipal election in Princeton this past week, with the mayor losing in a runoff against a challenger. I’ll have some things to say about that.
Other stuff crops up, too.
So, with that I’ll let y’all enjoy your day. I will enjoy mine.
If I were doing any better right now … I’d be twins.