Trump hits new low … again!

Donald Trump’s lying seemingly plunges into a bottomless pit, but hold on, because it’s likely nowhere near the bottom of the abyss.

As emergency services personnel in Georgia, and the Carolinas struggle mightily with rescue and recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastation, the Republican Party’s presidential nominee started fomenting the lie that the federal government is withholding resources to deliver to the struggling Americans.

Trump tossed despicable falsehoods contending that money that should have been spent on hurricane relief instead has gone to assist those who have entered the national illegally. The government lacks the money to provide help for hurricane victims, the numbskull nominee has alleged.

President Biden has called Trump out directly, accusing him of undermining relief efforts, of sowing fear among victims. Vice President Harris asked out loud “where is the empathy, the compassion?” that Trump should be exhibiting. I have an answer for the Democratic presidential nominee. Both traits are MIA, that Trump possesses neither of them!

And yet this idiot continues to draw cheers from the MAGA cultists over his profoundly stupid accusations.

Wait for more of the same rubbish to fly out of this nincompoop’s mouth. It is an endless array of lies that he has turned into some sort of perverted art form.

Dude is dangerous to the nth degree.

5 thoughts on “Trump hits new low … again!”

  1. Republicans once spoke of the need for integrity, moral character, substance, vision and magnanimity as traits that were necessary and vital for all leaders but especially required for the leader of the greatest country in the world.

    A con artist who is the product of reality television took over what was once a Grand Old Party and turned it into a conspiracy believing cult.

    I was once a Republican. Sadly, due to conscience, I can no longer claim that affiliation.

  2. Shows how youā€™ll follow anything as long as it comes from the left.

    Iā€™ve got family in Nroth Carolina and a friend in Georgia. All three have reported that FEMA staff have told them they are low on money. When asked why, they are told the money was redirected to immigrants.

    And, the $750 given turns out is a LOAN! Itā€™s in the paperwork that they had to sign. My family didnā€™t take any money. My friend did. Heā€™s an avid democrat and couldnā€™t believe the lack of response and the fact that the aid is a LOAN. Heā€™ll probably still vote democrat as heā€™s been brainwashed behind hope.

    There is misinformation. But, itā€™s not from Trump!
    Keep believing what youā€™re told. We do need a group that believes virtually anything.

    1. BJ-

      I claimed Trump turned the GOP into a conspiracy-believing cult.

      You step right up and prove my point.

      Let me guess- you believe the hurricanes were caused by the nefarious Democrats or Jewish Space lasers ?

      This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

      1. DM,

        Nope! I get my news from multiple sources and donā€™t rely on mainstream media. Iā€™ve got friends and family all over this great country. When it comes to something like this, I rely on them a hell of a lot more than media. They are the ones that are living it.

        I donā€™t know anything about ā€œcreatingā€ hurricanes. I have no clue if itā€™s possible.

        I do know itā€™s been proven that media has lied to us over and over. Google has admitted it in Congress. So has Facebook. When all mainstream media have the exact same verbiage, you know they are conspiring. James Oā€™Keefe has Google, NBC, and a handful of others on hidden camera admitting to working with the DNC and our current admin to spin the news. Oā€™Keefā€™s team are actual journalists and seek the answers like journalists used to do.

        If you want to belief these sources, go ahead. Currently, we are free to believe what we choose.

        1. My initial comments were focused solely on Trump.

          He, in my opinion, is sorely beneath the office he seeks.

          As I mentioned- there was a time when Republicans cared about character. Thatā€™s no longer the case.

          The party fell into the delusions of a charlatan and liar.

          May Our Lord have mercy on us.

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