Don’t demean your foes

Hillary Clinton committed a potentially fatal mistake during her 2016 race for president against Donald J. Trump.

She referred to the MAGA cultists as “deplorables,” a description that energized the Trump voter base down the home stretch of a highly competitive contest.

My hone boy, Nicholas Kristoff of the New York Times, says it would be a terrible mistake to denigrate the 2024 version of the mob hangs on Trump’s every word.

Do not sell them short, Kristoff writes.

Good advice, Nick. The question always becomes, “Will the voting public buy into it? And will the Kamala Harris campaign staff treat the Trumpkins with the respect they deserve? Indeed, they deserve a lot.

Kristoff hails from the Yamhill Valley of Oregon, not far from my hometown of Portland. He writes for the New York Times these days and has earned his spurs for many years writing for the Old Gray Lady.

My fond hope is that Harris won’t commit the egregious rhetorical error that Clinton committed.

Kristoff writes: By all means denounce Trump, but don’t stereotype and belittle the nearly half of Americans who have sided with him.

Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way. Kamala Harris no doubt is paying serious attention.

One thought on “Don’t demean your foes”

  1. In my opinion, Kamala Harris has done an excellent job not demeaning the donald-suckers. I, on the other hand, have no intention of holding back my critically thought ideas about those who support donald. I report to nobody. I retired early at 50 (currently 55 years old) years old, due to working my ass off during my teens, 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Now, I am free to say whatever I wish, without regard to an employer, etc. It is true, John that making demeaning statements against the trumpkins will not win them over. But, I simply cannot help myself. To me, it is as if someone said, “grass is purple” and 45% of the country agreed. How dumb are we going to get in this nation? I’d rather think it was more about party affiliation and allegiance, but this far more than that. These trumpkins have been brainwashed beyond help. If this had been a regular election between, for example, Romney and Harris, I would still vote for Harris, but I also wouldn’t worry that our country and democracy would be destroyed if Romney won. The same goes for Liz Cheney. I may not agree with all of her policies, but she is a true Republican who took her oath of office sincerely. It cost her her job, because donald ordered his minions and believers to vote against her and she lost. Utter stupidity. The Democrats must win the presidency and both chambers of congress. Otherwise, we’re looking at 4 years of chaotic lies and a vice president who believes only those with children deserve to have a voice in this country. How can anyone possibly even consider voting for them? I wish it was December (because lawsuits and trickery from donald to hold up the election results/certification,) but then again, that’s probably when the worst of the riots will be on-going. We have an ugly time before us.

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