Veterans do battle

I don’t like the tone the 2024 presidential campaign has taken quite suddenly, with the vice-presidential nominees questioning the other man’s service in the military.

Veterans everywhere — and there are millions of us out here — will be paying attention.

Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance served for three years as a US Marine, leaving the Corps as a corporal. I salute Vance and thank him for his service.

However …

Vance has fired the first shot in the fight against fellow vet and Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz, who retired from the US Army National Guard as a command sergeant major. Vance has accused Walz of misrepresenting his service by saying he fired his service rifle in combat. I honor Walz’s service as well.

Let’s be careful, Corporal Vance. Accusing a veteran of what they call “theft of valor” is about as serious as it gets. Walz denies ever saying what Vance has alleged. Vance also says Walz chickened out of deployment by retiring prior to his National Guard deploying to Afghanistan. Walz said his unit received its deployment orders months after he retired.

I do not want to see this campaign wallow in the stolen valor gutter.

How about sticking to pertinent issues, such as which one of these fellows is better qualified to become POTUS should the need arise? On that matter, my mind is made up,

6 thoughts on “Veterans do battle”

  1. Harris got scared of the left that would t have been upset with her choosing a Jewish person for VP. Or, she was told who to pick.

    Itā€™s all a joke! Democrats have tarnished the entire process. NO ONE VOTED FOR HARRIS!! She has ZERO right to be the nominee. She couldnā€™t get a single delegate when she did run and now sheā€™s the nominee! That in itself should piss off all Americans. The left is so sheeplike that they will do whatever they are told. They accepted a nominee WITHOUT a single vote. The majority wanted Shapiro, but he was ousted because heā€™s Jewish and the left just goes along with it. What a bunch of sheep!

    1. Left is “sheeplike”? Says the guy whose party has swilled the cult Kool Aid and is preparing to follow Donald Trump to anywhere he tells them to go. Wow! You, sir, are astounding!

      1. Donā€™t be jealous the left doesnā€™t have anyone to lead them out of this bullshit Biden has put us in!

  2. How can you support a guy that had tampon dispensers put in MENā€™s restrooms??!!

    Applauded the rioters in Minneapolis and refused the help of the National Guard to save the city!

    How far left are you guys are going to go?

  3. Walz – just a few key points of this ā€œmoderateā€ as the media is trying to rebrand him.

    -Waited on National Guard until after city burned
    -Called riots an exciting event
    -Covid hotline for neighbors to snitch
    -Shut down businesses during Covid
    -Sent Covid patients back to nursing homes
    -Sanctuary state for child sex changes
    -Signs bill to put tampons in menā€™s bathrooms
    -Embellished his military career

  4. The Trump Train jumped the tracks- weā€™re not going back.

    Cook places Nevada, Arizona and Georgia in the ā€˜ lean Harrisā€™ column.

    The Orange Baby is pouting- ā€œ Itā€™s not fair!ā€™


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