Get ready for emotions at DNC

This blog post is aimed at Democratic partisans who are energized by the massive change at the top of the party’s presidential ballot.

I am one of them.

The Democratic National Convention that convenes soon in Chicago is going to contain several emotional moments. One of them is guaranteed to occur the night President Biden speaks to the conventioneers gathered before him.

Someone will introduce “the president of the United States” to the crowd and, you can take this to the bank, they will explode in a torrent of emotion toward the podium. They will be thanking Joe Biden for standing down in the wake of the torrent of criticism he received after that terrible debate performance with Donald Trump.

They will cheer, shouting his name … and it will take them several minutes to collect themselves and listen to whatever the president has to say.

I look forward to watching this display of affection play out. I might even join them from my living room in North Texas.

I know that not every American will rejoice in that moment. There will be ration of MAGA soreheads among us who will find it all disgusting. To them I say: it’s too damn bad.

Joe Biden’s presidency has been a rousing success and he will earn the affection that will shower on him at the Democratic National Convention.