Then and now: big difference

There might be some temptation to compare the pressure that President Biden is feeling from Democratic lawmakers to that which fell on President Nixon in the summer of 1974.

There’s a heap of difference between the circumstances.

Biden’s heat is coming from Democratic leaders who are urging him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, fearing he is sure to lose to GOP nominee Donald J. Trump. Biden doesn’t see it that way. He believes he has a path to victory and to be blunt, I share his belief that the fight ain’t over. Yes, the questions are lingering about Biden’s mental acuity in the wake of that debate fiasco, but he’s showing signs of recovery from that stumble-bum performance.

In August 1974, Richard Nixon faced a different set of circumstances. The House Judiciary Committee was preparing articles of impeachment against the president over his covering up of the Watergate scandal. Several senators stepped up, ventured to the White House and told Nixon the following: The House is going to impeach you, Mr. President, and the Senate is going to convict you in a trial that will commence. You need to resign.

Moreover, the message came from the likes of Nixon’s fellow Republicans, such as Sens. Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott … both of whom told Nixon they would vote convict him of the crime of coverup.

Nixon had no choice but to resign. He did the next day.

The drama playing out today is far from finished, despite what many in the media are reporting.

One thought on “Then and now: big difference”

  1. President Biden will be gone by Monday.

    Obama , Pelosi, Schumer et al have decided he can’t win.

    I wish they would have decided two years ago so the Democrats could have had a primary with robust debates and the candidates would have been given an opportunity to spell out their vision for our future.

    Instead we have a former President who’s a moral failure, liar and con artist who is running essentially unopposed.

    I’ll sit this one out. The Dems lied to us about Biden and the press went along. Trump lies about everything too.

    One would think in a country as great as ours we’d have better choices. Maybe we do deserve the politicians we get.

    An entertainer recently said, “ If God wanted us to vote he’d give us good candidates.” I laughed and agreed.

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