Patience runs thin

Patience is a virtue people tell me I possess and I am grateful for the kind words and, of course, for the quality they say I have.

I have to tell you, though, that some followers of this blog surely do test whatever patience I deploy.

One guy offers a good example. He is a critic of High Plains Blogger. He wails on me whenever I have something negative to say about Donald Trump or something positive I have to offer about Kamala Harris; my earlier support for Joe Biden also drew barbs.

FYI, this individual keeps insisting he isn’t a Trump cultist.

But … he is!

Sometimes this guy offers commentary that the Word Press platform approves automatically as a blog response. Others require me to approve them individually … which I generally do. I say “generally,” because I am beginning to axe some commentary that either is repetitive, or is patently false or provides criticism I might deem to be defamatory. Defaming someone exposes a lot of folks to litigation and as I have told critics over the years who insist that I publish such material: I don’t care if you get sued, but I damn sure care if I get sued. 

My blog also contains non-political material as well. I comment on goings-on in the community I call home and also speak to what I call “slice of life” matters of a more personal nature, Does my critic bother to respond to any of those commentaries? Hah! Which leads me to believe he is “trolling” me.

My patience has its limits. This guy — and some others as well — are testing it mightily. I shall remain strong.

2 thoughts on “Patience runs thin”

  1. No need to worry about your patience. Since you’re so butt hurt with the facts, this is the last I’ll read or comment.

    I don’t comment on your other post because Princeton doesn’t mean anything to me. I don’t live in the area. I ran across your blog a while back and commented on the federal politics you wrote about.

    Have a great time with your head in the sand and being told how to think. Maybe you’ll get more like-minded people to comment to stroke your ego.

  2. Dear Mr. Bill – Curiously, what is your level of education? Are you predisposed to brainwashing? Do you have a tendency to believe ignorance, despite obvious facts to the contrary?

    Your posts remind me of my father, who is a retired IBEW commercial electrician. He is a know it all, judgemental, and readily condemns others. He also nearly punched me in the face when I informed him that “Big Foot” is an urban legend and does not exist. I’m not joking. That’s how easily some people will believe things that are untrue. His reaction is typical of donald-lovers. They refuse to accept anything negative about donald, yet we all know he is a convicted felon, fraudster, sexual abuser, chronic adulterer, pathological liar, textbook sociopath, disrespectful to veterans, and the creation of the BIG LIE about the election he lost by 7 or 8 million votes (electoral college the deciding faction.) I am an educated person, and if donald were a Democrat or Independent, I would never vote for such sewer sludge. I believe in country over party, and intelligence over idiocy. Why are you hell bent on the ruination of our country? Why would you embarrass yourself by making such a dumb post? I don’t get it. What I do know, is that the truth will prevail and WE AREN’T GOING BACK! My only concern are the morons in this country who are willing to go to prison (January 6th violent mobsters) for a crooked old, fraud of a person. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you or the country. If you think he does, then you are likely a Fox News consumer, just like my brilliant father. I don’t even understand how this became debatable, because there is nothing to debate. This is why donald supporters have entered the realm of a cult. Everyone else can see the evil, except for the cult members. It’s much like Jim Jones’ followers in Guyana, and we all know what happened to them. People were asking themselves, “How could my brother, sister, mother, father, sibling, etc. not be able to see this scam”? Support for donald is no different. You are putting your resources towards the death of our democracy and country. By the way, I’m not afraid to use my full name.
    Brett Breckenridge

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