Ex-POTUS knows nothing about job he wants

Donald J. Trump, I believe it has been established, knows nothing about government. He knows nothing about the office he once held and wants to reclaim. He knows nothing about policy.

And yet …

He somehow manages to cling to that vocal base of support that he hopes will propel him somehow to the presidency.

He proclaims himself to be a devout Christian. And yet he’s now convicted of paying a porn star hush money to keep quiet about a fling the two of them had weeks after his third wife gave birth to his fifth child.

How does that even begin to compute? It doesn’t!

The ex-POTUS senior staff no longer support his newfound candidacy. That includes the man who served as vice president, Mike Pence … the man Trump once said lacked the “courage” to do the right thing. Which was to refuse to certify the 2020 election that Trump lost fairly and squarely to Joe Biden.

If this individual had done what has been documented he’s done while working for a private company, he would have been fired long ago. Politics, though, is that strange animal that enables a convicted felon who’s awaiting trial on three other felony indictments to seek the nation’s highest public office.

This individual is not fit for anything other than a jailhouse jump suit.

One thought on “Ex-POTUS knows nothing about job he wants”

  1. For someone that knows ā€œnothingā€ about the office, your words, he did a hell of a lot for the American people when he was in office. Then, corrupt, incompetent Biden reversed ALL of it!!

    Iā€™d say he knows a hell of a lot about the office he once held and will hold again.

    I doubt Biden will be on the ballot come election time. Thereā€™s already been leaks about replacing him. The Democratic Party has lost all confidence in him, especially when he canā€™t walk or talk without looking like heā€™s pooping his pants.

    I know you wonā€™t engage and youā€™ll say itā€™s because you donā€™t engage with MAGA idiots. The real reason is that you donā€™t have an argument to how Biden has torn down the country. You can try the fake data that the Whitehouse issues thatā€™s been easily debunked.

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