These weren’t ‘distinguished gentleladies’

My wife was a wise woman who used to share with me this notion: She would much rather work with men than with women.

Why? Women too often get into backbiting and back-stabbing. Kathy Anne would have none of it.

Well, my bride’s wisdom went on full display the other day in a U.S. House committee hearing that erupted into a verbal free-for-all among three female House members. It was, to say the least, shameful in the extreme.

It started when GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene made a tasteless crack about the “fake eyelashes” she said interfered with Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett’s ability to read the legislation before her. Crockett took extreme exception to Greene’s gratuitous boorishness.

They began arguing loudly. It degenerated rapidly into an epithet-filled fit of rage between Crockett and the QAnon queen.

Then, in stepped Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to offer her cheap assessment of the goings-on. It became a three-way shouting melee.

Committee Chairman Republican James Comer sought to gavel some order to the proceeding … to no avail.

Crockett responded to Greene by referring to her as “baby girl.” It was either AOC or Crockett — I couldn’t decipher it all among the din — who referred to Greene’s “blond hair and butch body.” I was struck at that moment by the look of confusion that came across Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin’s mug when he heard that put down.

Jumpin’ Jehosaphat, man!

These women well might have set back the cause of feminism in politics a fair step or three with this senseless and idiotic tirade.

If only MTG had a sense of decorum befitting the office she occupies.

Now I understand fully what Kathy Anne meant.