Weekend comes to an end

BROKEN BOW, Okla. — An all-too-brief weekend excursion is about to come to an end, as we are preparing to head back to “the house” in the morning.

To be clear, this outing didn’t produce a lot of memorable experiences. We didn’t come to this corner of Oklahoma to notch a belt-full of adventures about which we could reminisce.

We hiked a couple of rugged miles up and down a trail; we enjoyed some world-class pizza at a joint called Grateful Head Pizza; we took a dip in a still-frigid lake after the hike.

This outing in fact was much more about getting away and spending time with my sons. Just the three of us ventured a couple hours northeast of D/FW to this resort. We spent two nights in a plush cabin, which happens to be a whole lot more luxurious than my humble abode in Princeton.

We didn’t spend a lot of “guy time” together when my sons were smaller. I had this job that often kept me busy pursuing my journalism craft. The boys had their own interests that usually didn’t involve spending time with an old man … namely me.

We now are able to take some time away and, lo and behold, they actually seem to enjoy being in my company. I damn sure enjoy being with them. They are funny, successful men with whom I feel totally comfortable sharing an off-color joke.

We also are able to share some emotions and personal feelings that we all have experienced in the past month and some.

The weekend was brief. The good news is that there likely will be more of them to occur down the road — provided I don’t wear out my welcome.