Keep blathering, ex-POTUS

POTUS No. 45 continues to exhibit loudly and clearly why he is so horribly unfit for public office.

He launched a tirade against Republican U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., because Cassidy cast a vote to convict the former POTUS of inciting an insurrection on 1/6. He called him the “worst senator in the United States.” He labeled him a “lamebrain.”

Bear in mind that the former Moron in Chief endorsed Cassidy’s re-election in 2020.

Trump rages against Louisiana Republican: ‘One of the worst Senators in the United States’ (

Cassidy was one of seven Senate Republicans to vote to convict the ex-Liar in Chief on the impeachment filed against him by the House.

All of this just goes to show the astonishing petulance and petty boorishness that resides in what passes for the heart of the former POTUS.

Keep this in mind, too: After the Senate acquitted President Clinton of impeachment charges leveled against him in 1999, the president got to work — with Republicans in Congress — on a budget compromise that produced the first balanced federal budget in decades. That is how you govern. You take your lumps, then after that fight, you get back to work.

Does anyone with half a brain believe that is possible with this idiot?