Cheney emerges as odd hero

As I watch former Congresswoman Liz Cheney make the TV rounds pitching her book, I am profoundly struck by the injustice that was done to her by members of her own Republican Party.

They castigated this conservative lawmaker from Wyoming because she had the courage to stand firm against the reprehensible conduct of a GOP president. Her own state’s party organization kicked her out. Then she got ‘primaried” in 2022 and lost to an individual who is loyal to the cult that follows the 45th POTUS.

And, again, I have to wonder why.

Cheney is not my kind of lawmaker. I disagree with her on guns, abortion, trade, taxation … you name it. However, she has demonstrated this trait above all else: She is a principled woman who stands on a guiding notion that the oath she took was to protect the Constitution, that she would be loyal only to the nation and not to one man.

And she paid the price for her principles.

It is shameful what has become of the Republican Party, where the MAGA morons label other Republicans “RINO” because they disagree with the 45th POTUS. That individual, the ex-president, is the real Republican In Name Only.

But, good grief! There is no talking sense to the cultists who have swallowed the poisonous, autocratic view of government that he offers.