Rain? What rain?

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — OK, gang. I came to this coastal community half expecting to be battling wind, rain, possible thunder and lightning … and all manner of difficulty associated with the well-chronicled “atmospheric river.”

Hah! Nothing of the sort greeted Toby the Puppy and me as we cruised into town after spending a lovely two days with my cousin and his wife in Sacramento,

To be certain, I saw plenty of remnants of the damage brought by the storms that have ravaged Santa Cruz and its surroundings. Tree limbs are down, the stream beds are way up past normal flows, plenty of standing water where I am certain there usually any such thing.

We got here just at the right moment. The weather app on my phone tells me it’ll be nice and sunny here for the next few days. Then on  Tuesday, when we shove off for points north, the rain is expected to return.


I am visiting my sister and her husband and my niece and her husband and their daughter. I also intend to see one of my dearest friends on Earth. It will be a relaxing break from all the driving I’ve been doing … and will do in the days ahead.

That damn storm, though, can stay at bay for as long as I am here, thank you very much.
