What do we call this war?

The Russian invasion of Ukraine devolved immediately into a full-scale war between two sovereign nations, which begs a question that rattles around in my occasionally empty skull: What do we call this conflict?

I am henceforth going to refer to it as the Ukraine War.

I donā€™t want to give the Russians, led by strongman/tyrant/despot Vladimir Putin any more recognition than they deserve. We know who the ā€œother principalā€ is in this conflict. Itā€™s the Russians.

The Ukraine War seeks to remind the entire world of the heroes who populate the Ukrainian armed forces and the Ukrainian civilian population, many of whom have volunteered to fight the Russians.

I realize fully that a chump blogger canā€™t control how history is going to categorize this war. I just intend to satisfy my own interest in this horrifying conflict by attaching a title to it.

Thus, we have the Ukraine War.
