No end to the chaos

Is there any end in sight for the chaos that continues to roil the water that threatens to flood Capitol Hill?

I doubt it. Seriously, I do.

The chaos presents itself repeatedly as Democrats and Republicans continue to fight over matters that should pre-empt partisan battles.

  • The debt ceiling hassle is about to end — for the short term. Republicans continue to back away from approving Democratic efforts to increase the national debt ceiling. Democrats understand that failing to pay our debts would result in economic calamity. The GOP’s public response? So what? Big fu**ing deal! The two sides have worked out a deal of sorts.
  • Vaccines that aim to cure us from the pandemic that continues to kill Americans have become the stuff of political game-playing. Republicans continue to insist the vaccines are too unknown, that they produce “side effects” that no one can define.
  • Climate change threatens the very planet we all call home. It’s the only planet we can inhabit. GOP and Democratic pols are at odds over whether it’s real. Hey, GOP! It’s real, gang!
  • Infrastructure improvements mean that we all — regardless of party affiliation — will be able to drive on safer roads and bridges, that we will be able to travel safely aboard aircraft and that our ships will be able to dock efficiently at seaports along all our coasts; that’s the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

But none of this matters — particularly to the GOP obstructionists who continue to block issues put forth by the nation’s leading Democrat, President Joe Biden.

No end to the madness is in sight. So help me, we cannot continue to live like this … can we?