Trump makes hollow plea


I just watched a 2 minute 41 second video of Donald J. Trump declaring  that his fight to undermine democracy is over.

Yes, he acknowledged that President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated along with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. The time for “healing” has come, he said.

How astonishing that he would expect viewers such as me to believe he actually means the words he read from a prepared text, that the man who incited a riot this week on Capitol Hill now wants us to believe that his “only goal” in clinging to power was to protect the integrity of our electoral system.


I do not accept this individual’s statement — which doesn’t contain a single word of contrition for the role he played in igniting the mayhem that erupted inside the halls of our nation’s Capitol Building. We all watched as Trump egged on the mob, urging the rioters to walk to Capitol Hill to take back the government. 

Donald Trump will, in the words of conservative columnist George Will, carry a “scarlet S” — standing for “seditionist” — for the rest of his life. That is his legacy … forever.