Biden’s Senate knowledge will serve us well


President-elect Joe Biden’s lengthy government service and experience are well-known to us all.

I happen to believe that the experience Biden brings to the presidency well might be the greatest asset he can deploy as he tries to repair the damage that Donald Trump has done to the institutions of government.

The president-elect spent 36 years in the Senate before being elected vice president in 2008. During his decades on Capitol Hill and in the White House, Biden developed a reputation as someone with extraordinary bipartisan relationships. He got along well with Republicans as well as with Democrats.

That government experience stands as a major selling point for electing him president over an incumbent who came to government via the business world and who never grasped the complexities of the federal government machinery.

Biden does not need any schooling on how the system works.

He will inherit a government in trouble. The nation is in trouble. We are battling a killer pandemic, which has caused an economic collapse the likes of which none of us has seen. The president is required at this juncture to be able to juggle many balls at once. Biden appears well-equipped — along with the team he is assembling — of doing what needs to be done.

Will it work? Will the policies he intends to implement do the job? That remains an open question.

However, I intend to place a good measure of faith in the ability of the new president to look for the right buttons to push.