Social media reveal true friends


It didn’t take me long to become swallowed up by the social media culture that seems so prevalent.

I am attached to many social media platforms, most of which I use primarily to circulate this blog. Facebook remains my No. 1 social media platform and I appreciate very much the attention that the outlet provides this blog of mine.

Social media, though, do have plenty of downsides. They become primary conveyers of falsehoods, conspiracy theories … those kinds of things. They also reveal to me who out there are our friends.

Here is where I want to make an admission. I have valued many friendships with individuals of varying political persuasions. Then came social media and and I admit to losing some of those friends because of our varying, um, political leanings. Dang, that just makes me want to spit … you know?

I am not proud to acknowledge that the end of those relationships means I’ve been suckered into placing far more value in them than the other party. One of them recently severed a social media relationship after being an actual friend for more than 30 years. He never told me why he was cutting me loose; he just did it. I am left to presume it was our different world views, as we had jousted in recent years about political matters.

Whatever. It’s done. I will continue to use social media to distribute this blog. I enjoy using the various media platforms. I reckon I need to view the relationships I have with others in a more critical light and avoid overvaluing them.

I’m a grownup. I know how these matters play out.

7 thoughts on “Social media reveal true friends”

  1. You know, it may be the way you write your blog. Numerous times, in your phrasing of Trump’s supporters, you actually put people down denigrate them just because they fee Trump has done a great deal for this country. In other words, they follow facts. Whereas, you follow feelings. Your hate for Trump has never allowed you to see the good he’s done. In fact, I think your one that said his administration could not possibly get a vaccination when he said they could. Guess what, they did.

  2. But, you also take it out on his supporters. And from what you wrote, some of your friends are Trump supporters. When you talk down to friends, will they remain friends????

  3. Obviously, that’s up to you. I guess you can keep questioning the loss of friends. By not checking to see if you could have offended them with your comments, you are basically implying you really don’t care. So, you’ve never written something Trump supporters are…. and it’s in a negative statement?

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