Trump admits defeat … finally?


If any reader of this blog believes I am about to offer a good word to Donald Trump for authorizing the beginning of the transition to a new administration, well … it ain’t gonna happen.

Trump has told the General Services Administration to begin the formal transition to an administration led by President-elect Joe Biden, who defeated Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Sigh …

This should have happened, oh, about two weeks ago when the networks determined that Joe Biden had defeated Donald Trump and denied Trump a second term as president. It should have begun right then. Right there. At that moment.

Instead, we have been force-fed a series of lawsuits, complaints, tweets and blustering about a “rigged election,” replete with attempts to disenfranchise millions of Americans who cast their ballots freely, fairly and without a hint of corruption.

Now he has ordered the GSA to begin a process that has been delayed for far too long? Give me a break!

Donald Trump has inflicted terrible damage on the image of this country around the world. He has conducted himself with absolute disrespect for the nation’s electoral process. Trump has sown discontent throughout the system and has brought scorn and embarrassment to our government.

Am I now going to offer any praise for him now just because his administration is doing what it should have done weeks ago? Not on your life!