Nothing from POTUS today? Ah, the silence is so golden!

Donald Trump didn’t go on the air today to blather on about the “fantastic job” he and his team are doing in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Did you miss him? Neither did I.

The president has spent far too much time standing in front of us yapping and yammering about this and that. He has hogged the microphone away from the medical, military and logistical experts who stand with him on the White House briefing room platform.

There was that remarkable moment earlier this week when a reporter asked a question directly of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease doctor in the world, and Trump wouldn’t let Fauci answer it. The president slammed the door shut on the reporter.

So it has gone, ad nauseum.

It is being said that Trump isn’t helping himself by talking too much. To be candid, I don’t give a rat’s a** about whether he helps himself by stepping away from the microphone.

What interests me more is whether this clown would turn the mic over to experts who have something relevant and important to say. I want to hear from the truth tellers, not from the Liar in Chief.

Accordingly, I don’t begrudge the silence that emanated today from the White House.

One thought on “Nothing from POTUS today? Ah, the silence is so golden!”

  1. I guess you don’t watch the updates. He constantly lets Fauci and others talk. In fact, he asks them to talk when it’s a question he’s unsure of. Of course he gets carried away and goes on and on. He also stops and asks the media if they want to continue. He’s acknowledged that’s he’s blasted if he goes too short and he’s blasted if he goes too long. You’d be one of those blasting.

    You have such a great talent in writing that could be used to give more people hope in these times. Constantly blasting our President, numerous times a day, doesn’t help anyone. It really serves no purpose except perhaps you enjoy the ‘Likes’ you get from your Facebook followers. It’s sad to see such great talent get wasted on so much hate. I know you’ve said you don’t hate Trump. I think you need to re-evaluate. There’s no way one person can be pre-occupied by a person in such a negative way that they must write multiple times a day and not hate them.

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