I’m on a roll. Actually, I’m on fire!
I just recorded my 265th consecutive day of posting items on High Plains Blogger. I once had a lengthier streak than the current one, but it was snapped because of a technical malfunction on the platform on which I publish these musings.
I went a day without being able to post a blog. That was, well, 265 days ago!
I’m at it again. A dear friend of mine in Oregon has told me of her “awe” at the prolific amount of items I post daily. I don’t consider it worthy of anyone’s “awe.” I appreciate the good word, though. I long have stated that I am an expert at nothing, but I do have a lot of opinions on a lot of matters.
I also do not shy away from my bias. I admit to having it. We all have bias, even when we don’t acknowledge it in ourselves. Of course, I certainly recognize it in others who do not share my world view of politics or public policy.
I suppose this is all just my way of saying that High Plains Blogger has allowed me to stay more or less in the game. It allows me a forum on which to vent about this and/or that, about those who influence policy and also about slice of life issues that grab my attention.
I also want to say “thank you” to those who read these items. I also want to offer special thanks to those of you who share them with your social media network friends, family and acquaintances.
Moreover, I also want to thank the critics out there who take me to task. Believe me when I say this: You keep me humble.