Pandemic fatigue sets in

I don’t have the stick-to-itiveness that I used to have. I could stay glued to media outlets incessantly, seemingly forever, to get all the info I could soak in about an ongoing story.

These days I find myself coming down with a form of fatigue. I am sorry to admit that the coronavirus pandemic has triggered it in me.

I find myself watching some of the TV streaming services I get at home rather than watching the news. Every single item reported these days has some connection to the pandemic.

I understand fully how important the story is to the whole world. It’s a gigantic story. The United States of America could go into a total lockdown. For all I know they might declare martial law … but that’s not likely. At least that’s my hope.

States can act on their own. I don’t know what Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is inclined to do. I am confident that when he makes such a decision that we’ll all be made aware of it.

Absent a declaration such as that, or a declaration that the coast is clear and we can resume our normal lives, I am going to look elsewhere for my TV-viewing pleasure.

I know about the risks. I know what to do to minimize my exposure to the virus. I know about “social distancing.” We have plenty of food in the house. We also have plenty of the necessary paper products … if you know what I mean. We have soap and running water.

We are hunkered down. I’m going to seek to relieve myself of pandemic fatigue. Wish me luck. I’ll do the same for you.