Do as we say, not as we do?

You may accuse me of nitpicking if you wish. That’s fine. I don’t give a pile of rat sh** if you do.

The picture you see with this blog post shows the president of the United States along with members of his coronavirus response team. Donald Trump and others have been briefing the pubic on measures the government is taking to stem the infection rate.

They’ve talked a whole lot about “social distancing,” which reminds us to maintain a certain distance from other people; the coronavirus is transmitted easily from person to person. It’s what they call “community transmission” or “community spread.”

What’s wrong with this picture? It shows that the brainiacs comprising the pandemic response team members aren’t doing what they’re telling the rest of us to do.

Donald Trump even has chided media members for “sitting too close to each other” while he blathers on incoherently.

C’mon, folks! Get with the program! If you’re going to issue stern warnings and advice on how to avoid getting a potentially disease, you should at least have the common sense, decency and smarts to demonstrate the thing you’re telling us to do.