Pence grovels at Trump’s feet, but believe this: Trump doesn’t give a rip

I could not help but marvel at Vice President Mike Pence’s shameless groveling today as Donald Trump announced the national emergency in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

There was the VP heaping praise all over Trump, damn near slobbering as he saluted the president for his “astounding leadership” and all the things he has done to save Americans’ lives and protect the nation from the health crisis that is enveloping the world.

Please …

What is most astonishing is how little Trump thinks of those — in addition to Pence — who piled on the bouquets.

Does any serious-minded individual who watched that spectacle this afternoon think that the president ever is going to return any of the love they hurled at him? Of course not. He thinks of no one but himself and demands that kind of blind fealty of those who work at his pleasure.

It was a disgusting and obscene display.