Why not show just a touch of class, Mr. POTUS?

The nation’s current president can claim victory in the wake of the U.S. Senate acquittal on two charges leveled against him by the House of Representatives.

Donald John Trump will get to keep his job at least through next Jan. 20, thanks to the Senate voting not guilty on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress charges.

But then again, Trump — ever the boorish buffoon — managed today to display that he lacks not a scintilla of understanding why nearly half of Congress decided to convict him of high crimes and misdemeanors. Oh, no. Instead, he went straight on the attack.

Unlike President Clinton in 1999, who also was acquitted in a Senate impeachment trial, this president chose to express zero regret over what he did to launch the impeachment inquiry.

He blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for leading the House impeachment effort. He took aim as well at Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah for casting the lone GOP Senate vote to convict Trump on abuse of power, which Romney termed an “egregious abuse of the public trust.”

Then, of course, we had the sideshow commentary from Don Trump Jr., who called for the GOP to “expel” Romney from the party. Oh, never mind that Romney has done far more for the Republican Party in his many years in public life than Don Jr. or his father ever have done, or ever will do. But, I digress.

Donald Trump has demonstrated the absolute lack of grace he always shows. In moments of victory — if you want to call it that — he relies on his boorish instincts that his allies refer to his “counterpunching” style.

He did not need to say any of what flew out of his mouth today. He could have expressed relief that the impeachment matter has been laid to rest and vowed to craft a legislative agenda for the year ahead. But … he didn’t do that.

It’s over, Mr. President. You won this skirmish.

Take a look at this. Amazing.