Get ready for the filthiest campaign in history

I am trying like the dickens to wrap my noggin around an impossible prospect.

That is, I am seeking to comprehend the level of filth that will sully the next campaign for the presidency of the United States. We are getting a whiff of the stench that already is filling the air around the 2020 campaign.

Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign is getting set to run TV ads on the Fox News Channel that seek to tie Joe Biden, a potential 2020 opponent, to phony allegations of corruption involving the former VP and his son, Hunter, in business dealings in Ukraine.

Think about that for a moment. When have we seen an incumbent president seek to influence a primary outcome in the other political party? I am trying to remember. The closest parallel I can find is 1972, when Republicans sought to surreptitiously undermine Democratic frontrunner Edmund Muskie of Maine while greasing the skids for Democrats to nominate George McGovern of South Dakota. The difference between then and now is that President Nixon’s re-election team did it all under the table … not out front and in plain view of the entire world! The strategy worked: Nixon won re-election in a historic landslide, then got into serious trouble with that thing called “Watergate.”

Meanwhile, the current president is facing the real prospect of being impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives over his admission that he is asking for foreign government help in his re-election effort, not to mention help in digging up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden.

My fellow Americans, welcome to the new age of American politics, where the president of the United States openly violates his oath of office and then seeks to smear a potential campaign opponent with the hope that the opposing party will nominate someone else.

I hope we all have the stomach for what we are about to witness.

2 thoughts on “Get ready for the filthiest campaign in history”

  1. We don’t know for sure that the allegations against Biden are true or not. You, like many reporters have made up your minds without facts. There are too many “factoids” without proof in the news today. The Pols can’t seem to be up front with their actions and statements and the news media no longer cares about the truth. I for one can’t trust any one. I think all news stories should carry a warning, ” This reporter is too lazy to go out and get a story, so is presenting what he thinks the story “ought” to be. It is not to be confused with truth of facts, because in this reporter’s opinion, truth and facts have no place in life.”

    1. I am quite sure I heard with my own ears the comments from the Ukrainian prosecutor who said the Bidens did “nothing illegal.” I will accept that belief until it can be proven beyond a doubt that the former VP is as crooked as the liar in chief says he is. I stand by my view that the DJT smear machine is well-oiled and ready to defame the former VP with all it can muster up. Thanks as always for your comment.

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