Justice takes reader on wild ride

Just as I was thinking I had read all I needed to read about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s view of the foul political climate in Washington, D.C., I happened across the interview he gave to New York Magazine.

It’s strange, to say the least.


I’m beginning to have some doubts about the justice, who’s been known to say some odd things from the bench and in his written opinions.

I’ve seen him interviewed before, such as on C-SPAN. He comes off as an engaging fellow. He’s not particularly stuffy and can dish out the sarcasm when the need arises. One interviewer asked him once about his opinion of a lower-court judge’s ruling that criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling on a particular subject. Scalia’s answer went something like this: “Just to be clear, our court reviews rulings handed down by his court … and not the other way around. Is that correct?”

Well, the interview is attached to this blog post. It’s lengthy. You’ll need some time to slog through it all. I won’t categorize his views as crazy. Just strange for someone who holds a lifetime job interpreting the U.S. Constitution.