Just wondering: What about that ‘anonymous’ essayist?

It just dawned on me: In 2018 when that anonymous essay appeared in the New York Times that talked about the “resistance” within the White House, Donald Trump said he was going to root out who wrote it and take appropriate action.

The essayist said there were members of the “resistance” who were concerned about the president’s curious impulses and worked to protect the nation against some rash decision Trump was capable of making.

The essayist said he or she was part of a group of White House staffers who are concerned about the president’s ability to do something that endangered the nation.

Trump as furious, enraged, angry to the max. He was fuming. He vowed to root out the author and then on it.

What happened to that effort? Has the White House swept it away? Has the president given up the search? Did he find the culprit, scold him or her?

C’mon! Some of us — maybe many of us — want to know these things.

Read it here. It’s still a fascinating essay.