Here’s how you impeach a president

Donald Trump has posed what I presume is a rhetorical question. It appears in a Twitter message he sent out today.

I believe I have the answer. I’ll be brief.

You impeach a president when you receive the findings of a former FBI director who’s been named special counsel, someone who’s been poring over mountains of evidence to determine if there’s been wrongdoing involving the president’s campaign.

The counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, might reveal that there was conspiracy to obstruct justice, that the president has financial dealings with Russian government officials, that he has lied to Americans about a so-called absence of such involvement; he might determine there’s a violation of the constitutional clause that prohibits presidents from taking gifts from foreign governments.

All that other stuff, the supposed popularity, the “greatest election of all time,” “the most successful first two years of any president” won’t matter one bit.

That’s how you do it, Mr. President.

We’ll just have to wait for Robert Mueller to finish his work.

4 thoughts on “Here’s how you impeach a president”

  1. Would you be as quick to judge, if Hillary Clinton had been elected, and the Justice Dept. spent One Tenth of the time and money Mueller has spent looking at Clinton Foundation/Bill/Hillary connections to Russian third party purchase of large portion of our uranium supply? Or are you so blinded by your hatred of a man who has so badly slighted your “precious Media”, that you would convict w/out ANY evidence that our President has broken any laws during his campaign? All Mueller has done is gotten a couple of pleas to lying to FBI, and breaking tax laws a dozen years ago! Even paying money to a woman to sign a LEGAL non-disclosure agreement, while morally distasteful, hardly rises to ” High crimes and Misdemeanors”. I would expect better than this from an experienced newsman such as yourself!

  2. With soo much overwhelming evidence against the Clinton/Obama clan from Bengazi to mysterious deaths and bleached evidence and no concern at all about investigating them, one has to conclude that, their is a deep state and the financial gain to keep it alive must be enormous. Combine that knowledge with the fact that the nation is currently thriving and yet, the man responsible for it is under attack and the dems are desperate to impeach him would lead a normal person to one conclusion: Some very powerful folks stand to benefit from the destruction of the very thing that is making the rest of us thrive. Mr. Kanelis I’m glad I’m not subjected to your one-sided opinion on a regular basis but, blessed to live in a country where you spew it I guess. Cheers.

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