Kim Kardashian is one of the ‘best people’?

Did I hear this correctly?

Kim Kardashian, the reality TV celebrity — the know-nothing with no talent — spoke today to the president of the United States about “prison reform”?

Is that what transpired? Kim Kardashian is now an expert on prison matters and that Donald Trump invited her to the White House — to the Oval Office — to make a pitch to reform the nation’s prison system? I also understand that Kanye West’s wife wanted to argue for the presidential commutation of a life sentence in prison for someone convicted on a drug charge.

Oh … my … goodness.

Trump vowed to surround himself with the “best people” to give him advice. This individual — Kardashian — fits that description in Trump’s world of narcissistic fantasy.

Aren’t there actual experts on whom the president can rely to give him recommendations based on research and knowledge of the criminal justice system?

Heaven help us!