No need to ID the porn queen

This blog is mine alone, so that allows me to make command decisions with no consultation.

The latest such decision is this: High Plains Blogger no longer is going to use the name of the porn queen who’s alleged to have conducted an affair with the president of the United States.

Why? Because she is seeking publicity. She’s likely to write a book. She might even show up on a reality TV show.  She’s already been playing coy and cagey with TV talk show hosts who have asked her point blank: Did you have an affair with Donald Trump?

I decided a couple of mass murders ago not to print the names of the gunmen who commit these crimes. Sure, some of them are dead; thus, they won’t reap any worldly benefit from publicity gleaned by continued coverage of their dastardly deeds.

So I’ll refrain from using the name of the porn queen who’s now being caught up in this icky, sickening, tawdry alleged affair with a man who would become head of state of the world’s greatest nation.

She’ll get plenty of publicity. She doesn’t need this blog to give her more of what she doesn’t deserve.