POTUS’s team slow on hotel booking? What the … ?

This one almost defies any kind of comment — but I’ll try anyway.

Donald Trump’s White House team reportedly damn near couldn’t get the president of the United States a hotel room in Hamburg, Germany, where he’s set to attend the most crucial meetings of his still-brief time as president.

They waited too long.

I’m trying to imagine how the president of the world’s most powerful nation can be denied a room in a hotel as he prepares to be one of the key players in an amazing international geopolitical drama. He is set to meet at the G20 summit with leaders of the world’s 20 largest economic powers. One of them happens to be Russian President Vladimir Putin, who’s been in the news of late regarding his country’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

How does that happen? How does the White House botch this arrangement … allegedly?

Read Buzzfeed story here.

Is this yet another example of how the president described his White House operation as a “fine-tuned machine”?

If so, then this man needs yet another reality check.