Another Army nominee hits the road … what gives?

The United States is chock full of qualified individuals capable of administering the U.S. Department of the Army.

But now we’ve just witnessed the departure of the second consecutive nominee to become the Army secretary. Why is it so damn hard for Donald Trump to fill this post?

The first fellow to pull out, billionaire Vincent Viola, cited his myriad business dealings, that they were too complicated to unravel. He hit the road.

Now we learn that Mark Green, the president’s second Army secretary nominee, has pulled out because of his rather weird statements regarding transgender Americans and whether public school students are being “indoctrinated” by Islamic influences.

Good grief, dude.

According to The Hill newspaper: “He’s said that ‘transgender is a disease’ and agreed with a questioner who said ‘we need to take a stand on the indoctrination of Islam in our public schools,’ among other controversial statements.”

Green was a Tennessee state senator when he popped off about transgender individuals and Islam.

A person’s sexual orientation is no “disease.” It is part of an individual’s persona. Is there some virus that is infecting individuals with transgenderism? As for a so-called “indoctrination of Islam” in our public schools, someone will have to demonstrate to me where and how that’s occurring anywhere.

Green said he is being attacked because of his “Christian beliefs.” Please. The man’s faith has nothing to do with it! At issue is the belief that this man seems to exhibit a strong vein of intolerance.

Back to my initial point.

This country has many capable administrators who have not expressed themselves in a manner that gets them in such trouble.

Where are they?