Mr. POTUS, you’ve just contradicted yourself on health care

I am scratching my head so vigorously now that my scalp is likely to start bleeding.

Donald J. Trump sat next to the Australian prime minister, Malcom Trumbull, and praised his the health care system provided in the nation Down Under.

Australia has a universal health care system, which the U.S. president declared is far superior to ours.

GOP goes in the opposite direction

Why, then, did the president praise House of Representatives Republicans for approving a bill that some analysts suggest is going to deprive as many as 20 million Americans of their health insurance?

Trump declared victory after that vote. He said premiums will decline, no one will lose health coverage and he intends to march forward with an effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The alternative appears to provide less coverage than the ACA.

But, but …

The president now sings praises to Australia’s universal health care system — which the government provides for every citizen — as being better than what we’re doing here.

Here’s how the Washington Post described the Australian plan: “Australia has a government-funded health-care system, called Medicare, that exists alongside private insurance. The system is funded in part by taxes, including on the wealthy.”

Go … figure, man.