I have grown so very weary of hearing the president of the United States refer to the “mainstream media” as purveyors of what he calls “fake news.”
Imagine the stones that Donald John Trump seems to be packing around.
This is the guy who perpetuated the lie that Barack H. Obama was likely born in Kenya, that he wasn’t a “natural born” U.S. citizen and, thus, was ineligible to run for the presidency.
He also talked about how he witnessed “thousands of Muslims” cheering the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Then he talked about how he read in the National Enquirer that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was seen having dinner with Lee Harvey Oswald, the guy who murdered President Kennedy; Trump wondered out loud whether Cruz Sr. was somehow complicit in the heinous crime.
He then accused the president of wiretapping his campaign offices at Trump Tower.
Those are just four examples of the fake news he has promoted. There are other instances, too, but you get the point … I hope.
Donald Trump has no business — none at all — accusing anyone in the media of promoting “fake news.” His definition of “fake news” is reporting that paints him in a negative light. However, the term “fake” carries with it an implication that the media are reporting falsehoods.
He has yet to provide any semblance, any inkling of evidence of what he keeps implying about the media.
He won’t stop. He won’t relent on this hideous attack on the media.
This president’s hubris plays well with those who support him, those who cheer him for “telling it like it is.” It simply makes me sick.