Hoping for a cure for Trump Fatigue

I am going to steel myself for a lengthy, winding and probably tiresome period as the media continue to report on the myriad troubles bedeviling the Donald John Trump administration.

Is there a cure out there for what looks like a case of acute Trump Fatigue?

If someone can find it, let me know … please!

Trump’s time in office is all of six weeks old now. Every single day seems to produce something of consequence. It might be relatively minor. It might be, oh, yuuuge.

The biggest event so far has been the president’s baseless, evidence-free assertion that his predecessor, Barack H. Obama, ordered a wiretap of the Trump Tower offices in New York City.

The former president has denied it. The FBI director, James Comey, has asked the Justice Department to ignore it. Now the president has called on Congress to investigate it.

It all centers on those damn Russians and whether they sought to influence the 2016 election — and whether they colluded with candidate Trump and his team as they were seeking to undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Folks, this battle is just beginning and for those of us out here who have an interest in good government, public service and the once-noble craft of politics, we are heading for an ugly, raucous, tumultuous, possibly critical time in our nation’s history.

As the essay attached to this blog notes, we are entering uncharted waters as it regards the presidency of the United States.

Here it is.

So, the Trump administration begins where — as some have noted — the Nixon administration ended in August 1974. Think about this for just a moment.

The Watergate break-in occurred in June 1972. The media barely covered it at first. Then one tip led to another and two years later, the House Judiciary Committee approved articles of impeachment, a key Republican senator — Barry Goldwater — told President Nixon he didn’t have any Senate support to acquit him if the case went to trial, and then the president quit.

Trump has been in office for just a few weeks and the questions are swirling around him with increasing volume and velocity.

The president seemingly always has been keyed toward finding ways to bring attention to himself. Well, now he has the whole world watching and waiting for the next chapter to unfold in this amazing drama.

If only we can stand it.

In the meantime, I will await the miracle cure for Trump Fatigue.

5 thoughts on “Hoping for a cure for Trump Fatigue”

  1. The cure for Trump fatigue? That’s easy…unplug. Take a break from the media consumption and go for a walk. Read a great book. Listen to music. Learn a new hobby. Write some poetry. Leave stories for your grandkids…should I go on?

    Understand that some things are simply out of our control. “All politics is local.” Quipped Tip O’Neill..it’s true..we can make a difference on a local level..perhaps a little at the state level but D.C. Is a long way from home and other than wring our hands and write our represenatives turning that big ship is beyond most of us.

    Enjoy life..it will slip right by otherwise.

      1. I understand brother. The remedy I proffered is slowly working for me. I have political, media and social media fatigue. Unplugging a little and enjoying the silence and solitude along with the outdoors and the litany of things I listed has helped a great deal. Take good care.

  2. Flash back to September – first “debate” Clinton/Trump – Mariner’s game recording, drink in hand, GF at my side. I endured 25 minute and said “do you mind if we switch to the ball game?”. She nodded assent and that was the last of the “debates” – for me anyway.

    Victor is right – Unplug Baby!

    Or from your youth, courtesy of Dr. Leary:

    Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out

    2/3’s of that works for me!

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