More and more from President-elect Tweet


Tempting as it is, I believe I will refrain from engaging one of my baser instincts.

I won’t mess with the name of the next president of the United States.

His name is Trump … Donald J. Trump.

He relies heavily — perhaps too much so — on one social media platform, Twitter, to put out pithy and often inaccurate messages.

The temptation is this: Do I refer to him henceforth as President Tweet?

I am leaning against doing such a thing. President Obama’s name has been turned into unrecognizable versions of his given moniker. Truth be told, I have been subjected to a kind of bastardization of my own last name. When I was a kid, my runnin’ buddies would twist my name into, oh, “Cantaloupe,” or “Ka-knuckles.”

Trump himself has attached pejorative descriptions to his foes’ names: Lyin’ Ted, Crooked Hillary, Little Marco, Low Energy Jeb. They’re all real knee-slappers, yes? Does the president-elect, therefore, deserve a healthy dose of his own medicine?


Then again, if he continues to rely on Twitter as a primary source of communication with the nation he is about to lead, the president-elect just might tempt me beyond my strength.