Trump is no Gipper


I’ve heard some so-called “political experts” make a dubious comparison between Donald Trump and one of the men who preceded him as president of the United States.

I refer, of course, to Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Some pundits have compared Trump’s stunning election to the 1980 election that gave us President Reagan.

Let’s flash back for a moment.

Reagan was caricatured in 1980 as a B-movie actor — Bonzo the Chimp’s co-star, if you will. He was a showman, a reckless movie “cowboy” who couldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes.

Those who portrayed him in that light left out something else. He also served two terms as California governor. He brought considerable government executive experience to the Oval Office. He knew how to legislate. He also knew about the limits of governmental executive power.

Trump brings none of that. Zeeee-ro.

Until this year, he’d never sought public office. He has many claims to fame. Not a single one of them involves public service. They all involve personal enrichment.

He parlayed a big stake from his father into a real estate business. Trump became involved in commercial development. He tried to start up a few business spin-offs; most of them cratered. Trump was a reality-TV host and he operated a beauty pageant or two.

Did any of that translate to anything resembling public service? Did any of that commend him for the presidency of the United States? No on both counts.

Do not misconstrue anything here. I accept Trump’s election as president, even though I did not vote for him. Therefore, I don’t endorse it. I accepted Ronald Reagan’s election, too, even though I didn’t vote for him either time he ran for the presidency.

We hear a lot these days about “false equivalency.” Those who suggest Donald Trump’s election mirrors Ronald Reagan’s are applying that very concept to two quite different circumstances.