Where have the issues gone?


Is it just me or has anyone else out there noticed something about the presidential campaign’s home stretch?

It’s the absence of issues debate.

Republican nominee Donald J. Trump opened his campaign more than a year ago declaring his intention to “build a beautiful wall” across our southern border; he said he would make Mexico “pay for it,” to which Mexico said, in effect, “over our dead body.”

Then came the ban on Muslims entering the United States; Trump then pledged to “knock the hell” out of the Islamic State. Then came the pledge to invalidate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

We aren’t hearing anything about those or other issues from Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Clinton opened her campaign vowing to work on behalf of women and children. She vowed to continue building international alliances. Clinton pledged to put her husband, Bill Clinton, in charge of crafting economic policy and to improve economic growth to “benefit all Americans.”

We’re talking now about temperament and fitness, about sexual behavior or misbehavior, a candidate’s “stamina.”

It’s personal, boys and girls — and it’s damn ugly.

It is so ugly I want it to end right now.