Trump seeks to shed ‘birther’ label


Nice try, Donald Trump.

You’ve beenĀ spreading falsehoodsĀ for nearly eight years about President Barack Obama’s supposedly fraudulent birth record, contending he was born in Kenya and, therefore, was not constitutionally qualified to lead the United States of America.

Now you say he was “born in the United States. Period.” That’s supposed to end all that innuendo just like that. Is that how it works?

No. The Republican Party’s presidential nominee will have to live with the lie he fostered through his contention that Barack Obama wasn’t qualified to hold the office to which was elected twice.

Sure, he’ll lay the blame at the feet of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, who once raised the issue herself. She backed away long ago, saying that Obama is as qualified to serve as president as she is, or as Trump is.

That never stopped Trump from yapping, yammering and yowling the falsehoods about the president.

But now he’s taking it all back.

Sort of.

Here’s what he ought to do: He ought to issue a formal apology and declare for all the world that he lied through his teeth.

Will that happen? Never.

Thus, the lie he has promoted must remain part of the debate over his own fitness to serve as leader of the greatest nation on Earth.