Let’s see the audit letter, Mr. Trump


Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has made a lot of noise about several aspects of Barack Obama personal history.

* He demanded to see a birth certificate proving that Barack Sr. and Ann Dunham Obama’s son was born in Hawaii and not in Kenya. The president produced a long-firm birth certificate issued in Honolulu. Trump still isn’t convinced that, yep, Barack Obama is constitutionally qualified to hold the most powerful office in the world.

* He continues to demand to see academic records of young Barack’s college career.

So, how is he dealing with demands that he reveal his tax returns, which has been a custom for major-party presidential nominees dating back to the 1976 campaign?

He refuses. Trump says he is being audited by the Internal Revenue Service; the IRS, though, says a routine audit does not impede someone from releasing the returns.

So, as long as Trump has been making demands of, say, the president of the United States to prove certain things about his past, let’s try this one on for size.

Why won’t Trump release a copy of the letter from the IRS informing him of the audit?

No one has seen the letter.

I believe, therefore, it is fair to ask: Is Donald J. Trump really and truly being audited by the IRS?

Well … ?