Work hard and study? What an outrage!

I guess we’re getting close to seeing and hearing just about anything these days.

President Obama wants to speak Tuesday night to the nation’s school children. He wants to encourage them to study, to work hard, to listen to their teachers and to obey their parents. But not even as straightforward a message as that is immune from the nut jobs who are accusing the president of trying to foist some evil agenda on those young and tender minds.

What in the world is going on here?

I got a call late this past week (I was away from the office for a few days of R&R with my wife) from some guy who said that “no way” was he going to let his child hear the president’s message. “I don’t like the guy,” the caller said. That was enough of a reason, apparently, to ensure that Obama’s message was blocked out here. He wanted to know if Amarillo ISD was going to let the kids hear the president’s 18-minute speech, and was hoping for all the world that it wouldn’t allow its students to be poisoned by President Obama.

This craziness is beyond the pale.

If Americans are worried about the president of the United States offering words of time-honored wisdom to our children, then this country is in even deeper trouble than we think.