Three cheers for Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines had little for which to apologize when a flight crew departing Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport evicted a woman and her screaming child.

The tot began hollering when he and his mom — a native of Dumas — boarded a flight on Oct. 26 at AMA bound for San Jose, Calif. They were here visiting a sick family member. The boy’s screeching became uncontrollable. Imagine flying 1,000 or so miles having to listen to that racket.

The flight crew couldn’t get the tot quiet, so mother and child were ordered off the plane, reportedly to a rousing ovation from grateful passengers.

If the airline owed them an apology, it only was for the failure to fetch the passengers’ luggage so they could take it on a later flight. But that’s as far as it goes.

Air travel isn’t much fun in this post-9/11 era. Those who have flown much since then know what I’m talking about. Passengers need not have to endure screamers at 35,000 feet.

Good going, flight crew.