There’s a first time for everything

It’s a little after 1 p.m. I have returned from lunch with my wife — and I have just enjoyed a remarkable driving experience.

I traveled north from Affiliated Foods, where my wife works, all the way into downtown and didn’t hit a single red light on the way. That’s what, about six miles?

Some months ago, I put a post on this blog about having to wait for red lights.

Today, I must proclaim this minor motor vehicle victory.

I dropped my wife off at her office and turned left from Farmers Road onto Washington Street. Past 58th Avenue I went; then I zipped through 46th; then came the light at the Canyon E-Way, which was green; on to 34th, where I found green again; 24th and 22nd in front of Amarillo College were green; same for Wolfin Avenue; I arrived at I-40 and sailed through the green light; the intersections at 16th and 15th were as green as green gets; I made the small curve in front of Ellwood Park and breezed through the lights at 11th and 10th and Adams; I made the turn onto Ninth and wheeled into the parking lot at the Globe-News. I’ll admit that I was sweating it.

About two-thirds of the way back to work, I began to feel like a pitcher who realizes in the sixth inning he’s throwing a no-hitter. I didn’t dare say anything out loud, even to myself, about what I was about to experience. I didn’t want to jinx it.

This is a red-letter day, given the interminable delays at intersections all over the city.

Now, if I can find a way to navigate my way east along Ninth without hitting every single one of those red lights …